guided hike
Date: 19.03. – 26.03.2022
Mali Losinj I – 6 relaxing spring days on a happy Croatian island
The ideal offer for active vacationers who long for light and warmth in the dark season, but do not feel like an intercontinental flight.
Those who go to Losinj at the end of March are doing something untimely and yet are continuing an old travel tradition: At the end of the 19th century, the social elites of the Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy used to spend the winter right here – in the warmest place of the Empire. (Quote Gerhard Fitzthum, TCEN)
In addition to the guided hikes, there is also an alternative program every day – for those who are not so keen on walking or want to take it easy that day. Thanks to the hotel’s own shuttle bus, both groups will meet again for each of the guided tours.
More information: http://tcen.de
guided hikes
Dates: 27.03. – 03.04.2022 and 24.04. – 01.05.2022
You will undertake six varied hikes in small groups of a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 participants, and explore the island world under oaks and strawberry trees, among maquis, stone walls and junipers, in the footsteps of the Romans, Venetians, Habsburgs or shepherds. Grandiose views of the glittering sea await you… and a surprise every day. (Quote Claudia Heckl)
More information:
Writing seminar: desire to discover new things
Date: 26.05. – 04.06.2022
Writing on the island of Lošinj
Taking time out, getting away from everyday life, discovering the new not only in the surroundings but also in oneself, that is the theme of this “writing trip” on the small Croatian island of Lošinj. Experiencing the early summer atmosphere in the relaxed atmosphere of the small village of Nerezine has a very special charm. The hustle and bustle of the summer season has not yet begun, the locals devote themselves to their very own rhythm of life: meeting for coffee in the morning, exchanging news – calm, cheerful serenity hangs over the place. And this offers the chance for true encounters and opens up interesting questions: How do you live here and how do I live? What does the sea do to people? What does the south wind taste like and what stories are told when the black bora blows?
Inspiration draws its power from relaxation and recreation. Creativity thrives on openness and the joy of trying things out playfully.
For this reason, this vacation seminar alternates writing, lustful exploration of one’s own language, thoughtful discussions, and relaxing excursions. (Quote Liane Dirks) www.liane-dirks.de
More information:
Thomas-Morus-Academy Bensberg
www.tma-bensberg.de, Catalog Vacation Academies, p.54
Far from the noise of the world
Date: 24.09. – 01.10.2022
Switch off, decelerate and recharge your batteries
The islander Alan Kucic will knowledgeably explore with you the natural beauties and cultural traces of the turbulent history of the islands of Lošinj and Cres. After daily excursions you will have time to reflect, swim, read, take a walk – or “just” look at the sea.
More information:
Thomas-Morus-Academy Bensberg
https://tma-bensberg.de/ferienakademien/, catalog p. 56
guided hike
Date: 15.10. – 22.10.2022
In autumn, the summer vacationers have left the island, the islanders become quieter again and start harvesting olives, fetch firewood from the dense maquis and go calamari fishing in the evening on the still warm sea. Despite the hustle and bustle of summer tourism, they retain their old way of life and often one feels immersed in the 20th and even transported to the 19th century. Nature also recovers in autumn from the hot summer months and blossoms a second time in the year.
The daily walks lead through evergreen oak forests, olive groves, over rocky karst slopes and sheep pastures with fragrant herbs. The gently rising mountain Televrin (580m) offers an unforgettable view over the Kvarner Bay from the Croatian mainland to Italy. In the picturesque towns you can admire the many cultural legacies of Greek and Roman antiquity, Venetian and Austrian sugar-baker architecture. Again and again breathtaking views of the sea open up and perhaps a jump can be dared into it.
More information:
guided hike
Date: 23.10. – 30.10.2022
Six varied walks in small groups of about four hours on always new and deserted panoramic paths: oaks, strawberry trees, chestnuts, maquis, sage scent, abandoned chapels, an ever-changing view of the sparkling sea… every day a surprise. (Hiker: Elfriede Prinnegg, Merano)
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